Monday, May 13, 2024

In spite of video evidence Democrats will lie to you.

Jen Psaki Claims Biden Never Looked At Watch, Suggests Gold Star Parents Lied

Tyler Durden's Photo
MONDAY, MAY 13, 2024 - 08:00 AM

You know it's bad when Axios is calling out Jen Psaki for lying about President Biden checking his watch during a ceremony for soldiers killed during the botched 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal.

In her new book, "Say More," the former White House press secretary claims that Biden looked at his watch only after the ceremony had ended, contradicting fact-checks (even Snopes) and on-the-record statements from Gold Star families who were there.

Psaki says Biden critics were engaged in "misinformation" and used the image to make "him appear insensitive, concerned only about how much time had passed."

The Associated Press photographer on the tarmac snapped two photos of Biden looking at his watch twice and 10 minutes apart, as fact-checkers at USA Today and Snopes noted soon afterward. -Axios

Psaki also 'mistakenly cited' a passage from the Washington Post to reinforce her lie - when what she quoted was actually from USA Today's fact check article, not the post. The fact check noted that Biden looked at his watch at the end of the ceremony, but also concluded that "photos and video show [Biden] also checked his watch during the ceremony."

More via Axios:

Many family members of the 13 soldiers killed during the explosion at the Abbey Gate base in Kabul have consistently said in interviews and appearances before Congress that Biden checked his watch as the caskets went by.

  • Mark Schmitz, the father of Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, told Congress in August of 2023 that "while I stood there on the tarmac watching you check your watch over and over again, all I wanted to do was shout out, 'It's two f***ing thirty, asshole.' "
  • The day after the ceremony on Aug. 29, 2021, Shana Chappell, the mother of Marine Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, wrote on Facebook: "I watched you disrespect us all 5 different times by checking your watch!!! What the f*** was so important that you had to keep looking at your watch????"

Psaki Responds

While initially declining to comment, Psaki told Axios that the "detail in a few lines of the book about the exact number of times he looked at his watch will be removed in future reprints and the ebook," adding "The story on Afghanistan is really about the importance of delivering feedback even when it is difficult told through my own experience of telling President Biden that his own story of loss was not well received by the families who were grieving their sons and daughters."

Climate change is the fuel for the nihilists

Climate Professor Thinks We Should 'Cull' the Human Population to Reach Emissions Targets

Professor Bill McGuire is a well-known vulcanologist and climate scientist who doesn't care much for humanity. He tweeted out a scathingly brilliant idea if you're in the mortuary business or work as a grave digger.

"If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic #climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate."

— Bill McGuire (@ProfBillMcGuire) May 11, 2024

Ooopsie. McGuire deleted the tweet a few hours later but had no regrets. The trouble is, we just don't understand how brilliant he is.

Repent sinners

Pope Francis: World Nearing ‘Breaking Point’ from Climate Change

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Just Stop Oil and related green "Apocalypse" movements are poster children for modern Cultural Marxists

Watch: Just Stop Oil Activists Try To Destroy Case Holding Original Magna Carta

Tyler Durden's Photo
SUNDAY, MAY 12, 2024 - 06:40 AM

The Just Stop Oil and related green "Apocalypse" movements are poster children for modern Cultural Marxists - sharing similarities with the Chinese communist mobs behind the Cultural Revolution of 1966. The general goal of every Marxist movement is to undermine or sabotage any opposing culture using whatever means necessary so that it can be scrapped and replaced with a new progressive/collectivist system.  In particular, such activists have long targeted western civilization for demolition with the intention of bringing about a woke revolution.

This is why we often see the same people (or types of people) involved in seemingly separate causes.  It might be protests and riots in favor of BLM, it might be Antifa efforts to disrupt conservative and moderate speakers, it might be protests to control college campuses in the name of Gaza or it may even be anti-carbon protests to derail energy security in the name of "saving the planet" from a global warming threat that doesn't actually exist.

Most interesting is the habit of Just Stop Oil activists to target famous symbols of western history for defacement or destruction.  One might ask what does the Mona Lisa or the Magna Carta have to do with oil production or climate change, and the answer is absolutely nothing.  Protesters would claim that trying to destroy these antiquities is a way to get media attention for their cause, but the only attention they ever get is negative - These actions make people want to hate protesters rather than help them. 

The real message is one of aggression, not attention.  Marxist activists are saying that western culture, not oil, is their enemy. And, if they don't get what they want they will continue to try to smash our greatest works of art and historic documents as a means to tear the west down piece by piece.  When protesters declare the Magna Carta fair game it's not a random decision; they know exactly what they are doing.  In this situation, two gullible elderly women were obviously given a task they were not able to complete:

Rev. Sue Parfitt, 82, and Judy Bruce, 85, a retired biology teacher, were both arrested after they tried to smash a glass case containing the historical document at the British Library in London on Friday, London's Metropolitan Police said.  The Magna Carta is a revered 13th Century treaty that held English royalty to the same legal standards as the citizenry.  It is often cited as a precursor to later freedom-based documents like the US Constitution and a source for western democracy. 

The incompetence of Just Stop Oil protestors is the one saving grace in this scenario, and it is likely a natural consequence of the kinds of people that are attracted to the idea (high IQs apparently don't jump at the chance to join the ranks).  The group is, however, suspiciously coordinated and tends to receive favor from progressive political leaders.  It is a sad reflection of the ideological hysteria holding the world hostage today. With so many different movements chipping away at the foundations of the west, eventually something will break.            

Iran: Not good news for the world as the 7th century Islamists win parliamentary runoff vote

Iran's hardliners win parliamentary run-off vote

17 hours ago

Iran's hardline factions have strengthened their grip on power in a run-off parliamentary election. Most independent and opposition candidates were barred from running.
Iranian police officer votes in run-off election
Hardliners have taken the remaining seats in Iran's run-off electionImage: Vahid Salemi/AP/dpa/picture alliance

Iran's hardline factions have won most of the remaining seats in a parliamentary run-off vote, the Interior Ministry said on Saturday.

Hardliners have secured 233 of 290 seats in Iran's parliament, according to a tally by the Associated Press news agency.

What do we know about the run-off vote?

The "principlist" faction won 10 of 16 remaining seats in the run-off vote in Tehran, with the Coalition Council of Islamic Revolution Forces (SHANA) receiving the remaining six. Both groups are classified as hardline factions.

The majority of the remaining seats in the provinces were also taken by hardline groups.

Most independent and opposition candidates were not allowed to run in the election, with the Guardian Council banning them months before the vote.

Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi said the election saw "good participation" without giving concrete figures.

"All elected people have had a relatively good and acceptable" number of votes, he said.

Cognitive dissonance: Do these Queers know how they would be treated by Hamas? Or, in any Islamic country?

Queers for Palestine block exit to Disney World, infuriating drivers before they’re promptly arrested

Marilyn Mosby despicable racist and crook

Marilyn Mosby: finally, justice comes to Baltimore

Anti Semitism in Berkeley writ long before Jews are beaten in the streets?

Accompanied by 2 vice principals, Berkeley public school students march to Jewish Community Center and chant slogans at preschoolers inside

Just as Hamas targeted young children, even babies, for unthinkable torture and death, pro-Hamas demonstrators in Berkeley targeted a Jewish Community Center (NOT an Israeli facility) with preschool students in class as they chanted slogans through a bullhorn and marched. Even worse, the students who walked out were reportedly accompanied by two vice principals from the Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School as they intimidated the innocent toddlers, guilty solely of being Jewish.

Emilie Raguso reports in the Berkeley Scanner:

The Scanner got multiple reports about a walkout march from King middle school that stopped to protest outside the Berkeley branch of the Jewish Community Center of the East Bay.

The protest group was made up of an estimated 60 or more middle school students who were chanting with a bullhorn and accompanied by school administrators, parents said.

When the group stopped for several minutes to protest outside the JCC, which is about a half-mile from the King campus, JCC security went outside to investigate and Berkeley police were also called. (snip)

One BUSD parent said the protest reports were concerning in part because the district had promised parents on Thursday, by email, that no school staff would accompany the student march.

In the email, school leadership said students might have a walkout Friday, and that they might march to UC Berkeley during the event.

"Site and district staff will monitor students at the school site, but we will not have the capacity to walk with students to UC Berkeley or monitor their activity while on the university campus where there will be other activities happening," King Principal Michael Tison Yee told parents in the email Thursday. (snip)"Although this was not a district sanctioned event, our administration team made a decision to accompany the students to monitor for safety," BUSD spokeswoman Trish Mcdermott told The Scanner by email in response to an inquiry about Friday's events.

Sorry, Ms. Mcdermott: sending two vice principals to accompany the tyros as they terrorized tots does symbolically sanction the activity. The “monitor for safety” excuse holds no water because walking out of school and marching up busy city streets in an un-permitted march of children is inherently unsafe. Stopping the march would be the safe option, perhaps warning students that they will be regarded as truant if they skip out of the taxpayer-funded education they are being provided.

Somehow, I doubt that outside adults were not involved in organizing and directing the teen and pre-teen students. Where is the inquiry into their likely role in encouraging truancy? 

Casting an even deeper shadow of Jew-hatred on the event, it was preceded by antisemitic graffiti at the school:

The Berkeley Unified School District said it is investigating the graffiti report, in which someone scrawled, "[Name redacted] hates Jews. We stand with [name redacted]" next to a Jewish star on a classroom whiteboard.

A photograph of that message that has been shared among parents and other community members was also provided to The Berkeley Scanner along with concerns about the message.

The superintendent of Berkeley’s public schools, however, doesn’t think Jew hatred at her schools is a big deal:

Friday's reports come at a difficult time for the Berkeley Unified School District, whose superintendent, Enikia Ford Morthel, told federal lawmakers this week that "antisemitism is not pervasive" in the district.

Ford Morthel said there had been nine formal antisemitism complaints to BUSD since Oct. 7, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

Question: would nine complaints of anti-black racism be similarly regarded with equanimity?

Incidentally, Superintendant Ford Morthel describes herself as "an urban educator and community activist, dedicated to creating public education experiences that are revolutionary, relevant and responsive for students and families."

Others are far from sanguine over the safety and emotional wellbeing of Jewish children entrusted to Ford Morthel’s tender mercies:

EdSource reported that the Office of Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Education plans to investigate allegations that BUSD "failed to respond properly to rising incidents of antisemitism in its schools."

That includes a complaint by two Jewish civil rights organizations "urging an investigation into the 'virulent wave of antisemitism' aimed at Israeli and Jewish students" in Berkeley Unified, EdSource reported.

In fact, Ford Morthel hired consultants, the Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium, who created an ethnic studies curriculum that is horrifying. Via EdSource:

The group pitches to school districts in California an alternative to the state’s ethnic studies model curriculum framework with a focus on dismantling capitalism, systems of racism, and Zionism, which it equates to colonialism. The group’s leaders include ethnic studies professors from California State University and the University of California. (snip)

Ford Morthel testified Wednesday that the district has not purchased a Liberated Ethnic Studies curriculum. Rather, she said, the district takes pride that teachers and community partners have written the curriculum. Teachers created lessons on Israel and Palestine because of “a lot of curiosity, a lot of questions, and quite frankly, a lot of confusion from many of our students wanting to know what was going on.” (snip)

Early in the two-hour hearing, the chair of the subcommittee, Rep. Aaron Bean, R-Fla., forced Ford Morthel and the other two superintendents on the panel, New York City schools Chancellor David Banks and Montgomery County school board President Karla Silvestre, to give one-word answers to a series of complicated questions. One was whether the phrase “From the river to the sea Palestine will be free” is antisemitic.

Yes or no, Bean asked?

“If it is calling for the elimination of the Jewish people in Israel,” Ford Morthel responded.  “And I will also say that I recognize that it does have different meanings to different members of our community.”

“I’m going to go ‘yes.’ I’ll put you down, yes,” Bean said.

Kiley used that answer against her during his questioning. He referred to a slide in the teacher-prepared curriculum that cited the “From the river to the sea” phrase as a call for freedom and peace and paired it with a “supportive quote” by Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Michigan, soon after the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas in Israel. Congress censured Tlaib on a 224-188 Republican-led vote, with members claiming it implied support for armed resistance to abolish the state of Israel. 

Many people, including most Jews, also view it that way. Others, Tlaib included, say it evokes future coexistence where everyone can live in freedom in Palestine.  

“Do you think that’s an appropriate thing to have on a slide for students?” Kiley asked Ford Morthel.

“So,” she replied, “we definitely believe that it’s important to expose our students to a diversity of ideas and perspectives. And if it was presented as a perspective, I do think it’s appropriate.”

Watch as Ford Morthel responds to questions from California Republican Congressman Kevin Kiley on the curriculum in which she takes pride:

Trump rally in NJ

LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Speaks to MASSIVE Crowd of Estimated 100,000 in Wildwood, NJ – “LARGEST POLITICAL RALLY IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY HISTORY”

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Insanity is sometimes easily seen

Horror video shows trans woman allegedly run over man, then kiss his body and stab him 9 times

Holocaust denial

Google blasted for AI that refuses to say how many Jews were killed by the Nazis

Google is coming in for sharp criticism after video went viral of the Google Nest assistant refusing to answer basic questions about the Holocaust — but having no problem answer questions about the Nakba. 

“Hey Google, how many Jews were killed by the Nazis?” Instagram user Michael Apfel asks a Google Nest virtual assistant. The video was later posted to X by venture capitalist Josh Wolfe on May 8. 

“Sorry, I don’t understand,” 

The same token answer was offered to other related questions including “How many Jews were killed during World War II? Who did Adolf Hitler try to kill? How many Jews were killed in the concentration camps? How many Jews were killed in the Holocaust? What was the Holocaust?

Do you trust federal agencies?

Did Federal Agencies Plant Classified Documents To Frame Trump?

Universities will gladly sell out America for a few bucks

Try a Little Honesty About Israel

Try a Little Honesty About Israel

Helping alcoholics die is one solution to the homeless problem

‘Where’s the Recovery in All This?’: SF Buying Beer, Vodka for Homeless Alcoholics with Taxpayer Money

Biden's arms embargo on Israel 'emboldens' Hamas missile strikes against Jewish state